Teaching Staff

Ana Mauad has a Degree and a Doctor’s degree in History of Brazil by Universidade Federal Fluminense (1982 and 1990), having also completed a Post-doctorate degree in the field of History of Image, specialising in Photography, by Museu Paulista of Universidade de São Paulo.
She is currently a professor of the Department of History, the Coordinator of the Programme of Post-graduation in History and a researcher of the Laboratory of Oral History and Image of Universidade Federal Fluminense (since 1992) and of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (since 1996).
She dedicates to the teaching of Theory and Methodology of History.
Besides a number of varied articles and book chapters on themes connected with Visual History, Cultural History and Memory History (especially photography), the following books are to be highlighted:

  • 2002: Sob o signo da imagem: A produção da fotografia e o controle dos códigos de representação social, da classe dominante, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Niterói: LABHOI/UFF.
  • 2003: Tempo n 14: Imagem e cultura visual (org. with Paulo Knaus). Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras.
  • 2006: Memória. Imigração Espanhola em Niterói (org. with Angela Gomes). Niterói: Niterói Livros.
  • 2008: Poses e Flagrantes: ensaios sobre história e fotografias. Niterói: EDUFF.
  • 2009: História e documento – volumes 1 e 2 (with Paulo Cavalcante). Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Cecierj.
  • 2010: Teoria da História – Volume 1 (with Lucia Grinberg and Pedro Caldas). Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Cecierj.
  • 2011: Teoria da História – Volume 2 (with Lucia Grinberg and Pedro Caldas). Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Cecierj.
  • 2013: Dicionário histórico-biográfico da fotografia e dos Fotógrafos no Brasil (with Ana Serrano e Clarissa Castro). Niteroi: PPGH-LABHOI

António Sousa Ribeiro is a professor of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (German Studies) of the Faculty of Letters of University of Coimbra, and an investigator of the Centre for Social Studies of the same university.
He was in charge of the magazine Crítica de Ciências Sociais between 1991 and 2008.
He is the board coordinator of the Centre for Social Studies of University of Coimbra, the coordinator of the doctoral programmes in Modern Cultures and Literatures and in Language and Heterodoxies and also the co-coordinator of the doctoral programme in Post-colonialisms and Global Citizenships.
Throughout his career as a professor and as an investigator, he filled varied posts, including that of president of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Letters (2000-2002), president of the Scientific Council of the Centre for Social Studies (2003-2007) and director of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures of this faculty (2009-2011).
Among his present fields of interest, special focus goes to the studies on literatures and cultures in German language, compared literature, post-colonial studies, translation studies, studies on modernism and studies on themes around violence, culture and identities.
Apart from his dedication to literary translation, he has been extensively publishing on themes of literature in German language (with special focus on Karl Kraus and the Viennese modernity), compared literature, literary theory, cultural studies, post-colonial studies and sociology of culture, for example:

  • 1996 (1988): Dois Séculos de História Alemã (Política, Sociedade, Cultura). Textos e Documentos dos Séculos XIX e XX, (org. with Idalina Aguiar de Melo e Ludwig Scheidl), Coimbra: Minerva;
  • 1996: Paulo Quintela, Obras Completas, (org. with vários autores). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian;
  • 1999: Literatura Alemã II. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta;
  • 2002: Entre Ser e Estar: Raízes, Percursos e Discursos de identidade (cord. Com Maria Irene Ramalho). Porto: afrontamento;
  • 2003: Theodor W. Adorno, Sobre a Indústria da Cultura (org. e pref., with trad. de Manuel Resende et al). Coimbra: Angelus Novus;
  • 2007: Bertolt Brecht, Poemas, (org. e pref., versão portuguesa de Paulo Quintela). Porto: Edições Asa;
  • 2008: Translocal Modernisms. International Perspectives (Transatlantic Aesthetics and Culture), (org. with Maria Irene Ramalho; pref. de Françoise Meltzer). Bern: Peter Lang;
  • 2013: Representações da violência, (org.). Coimbra: Almedina.


Fernanda Bicalho has a degree in History by Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC) of Rio de Janeiro (1981), a Master’s degree in Social Anthropology by Museu Nacional – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1988), a Doctor’s degree in Social History by the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of Universidade de São Paulo (1997) and a Post-doctorate by the Institute for Social Sciences of Universidade de Lisboa (2007).
She is currently an Associated Professor of the Department of History of Universidade Federal Fluminense – where she was the coordinator of the programme of post-graduation in History, 2010-2013 – and Visiting Professor at Université de Provence Aix Marseille (since 2009). She is a grant holder in Productivity by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (since 2001), and a scientist of the Federation of the Associations of Favelas of the State of Rio de Janeiro (2012-2014). She participates in varied national and international research networks, with special focus on two international projects (which she integrates as an associated researcher), based at ICS-UL and financed by FCT (Portugal) and a third one based in Casa Velásquez (Spain), financed by Agence Nationale de France.
Among her fields of action, special focus goes to the Political History of Colonial Brazil, on which she has developed work and led courses about Rio de Janeiro in XVII-XIX centuries, power and administration networks of the Portuguese Empire, powers, institutions and local elites in America, central political entities of the Portuguese monarchy, with emphasis on the Overseas Council. She also has experience in the field of Urban History and History of Urbanism.
Among her publications, special focus goes to:

  • 2000: 1680-1720. O império deste mundo (with Laura de Mello e Souza). São Paulo: Companhia das Letras;
  • 2001: O Antigo Regime: a dinâmica imperial portuguesa, séculos XVI-XVIII, (with João Luís Ribeiro Fragoso e Maria de Fátima Gouvêa). Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira;
  • 2003: A Cidade e o Império. O Rio de Janeiro no Século XVIII. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Civilização Brasileira.
  • 2005: Culturas Políticas. Ensaios de História Cultural, História Política e Ensino de História, (with Maria de Fátima Gouvêa e Rachel Soihet). Rio de Janeiro: FAPERJ: MAUAD;
  • 2007: Modos de Governar: ideias e práticas políticas no império português, séculos XVI a XIX, (with Vera Lucia Amaral Ferlini). São Paulo: Alameda;
  • 2009: O Governo dos Povos. Relações de Poder no Mundo Ibérico na Época Moderna, (with Laura de Mello e Souza, Júnia Ferreira Furtado, Ana Lúcia Lana Nemi, et al). São Paulo: Alameda;
  • 2012: “Gobernadores Y Virreyes en el Estado de Brasil: Dibujo de una Corte Virreynal?”, in Pedro Cardim e Joan-Lluís Palos (org.), El Mundo de los Virreyes en las Monarquías de España y Portugal, vol. 1, pp. 391-414. Madrid: Iberoamericana;
  • 2013: “Invasão Francesa”, in Luciano Figueiredo (org.), História do Brasil para Ocupados, vol. 1, pp. 41-45. Rio de Janeiro: Casa da Palavra.


Francisco Noa has a Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures – Portuguese Studies (1991), a Master’s degree in Compared Literary Studies, with the thesis Rui Knofpli’s Poetic Itinerary. The Other Dimension of Mozambican Literature (1995) and a doctorate in African Literatures in Portuguese Language, with the thesis Colonial Literature. Representation and Legitimation – Mozambique as literary invention (2001), by Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
He is a professor of Mozambican Literature at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo. He is a director, essay writer and investigator of the Centre for Social Studies Aquino de Bragança (CESAB) and an associated investigator of University of Coimbra. Visiting professor, supervisor and examiner in national and foreign universities, he has taken in several posts in management in institutions of higher education.
His present research focus on themes about colonial issues, literary nationality and transnationality, literature as knowledge and the intercultural dialogue in the Indic Ocean from a literature standpoint.
Among his publications, special focus goes to:

  • 1997: Literatura Moçambicana: Memória e Conflito. Maputo: Imprensa Universitária;
  • 1998: A Escrita Infinita. Maputo: Livraria Universitária;
  • 2002: Império, Mito e Miopia. Moçambique como Invenção Literária. Lisboa: Caminho;
  • 2008: A Letra, a Sombra e Água. Ensaios & Dispersões. Maputo: Texto Editores;
  • 2012: Perto do Fragmento, a Totalidade. Olhares sobre a literatura e o mundo. Maputo: Ndjira;
  • 2013: A escrita Infinita. Ensaios sobre literatura moçambicana. Maputo: Njira.

Graça dos Santos has a Degree in Theatre Studies (1986) by Université de de Paris III – Sorbonne Norvelle – where she was a grant holder of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Service of Fine Arts – and a Doctor’s degree by Université Paris X- Nanterre (1992-1996).
She is currently an associated professor at Université Paris Orest Nanterre La Défense (EA 369 Etudes Romanes), where she is the director of the Department of Lusophone Studies. She is also an investigator of Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur le monde Lusophone (CRILUS); an associated investigator at Centre d’Histoire Culturelle des Sociétés Contemporaines (Université Versailles St Quentin en Yvelines), where she co-directs (since 2001), with Jean-Claude Yon, the Investigation Seminar “Histoire du spectacle vivant XIXe et XXe siècles”, at Société d’Histoire du Théâtre, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris; and at the Institute for Studies of Traditional Literature – Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (IELT-FCSH/UNL).
Her studies focus especially on Salazar’s dictatorship and censorship. Stage director, actress and professor of theatre, she writes about the notions of physical body/ social body, about the scenic representations of the body and of the people.
Co-founder of the company “Cá e Lá” (Compagnie bilingue français/ portugais), she has been developing specific work about the bilingual actor and about the connexions between theatre and teaching of languages. She is the director of “Parfums de Lisbonne” – Festival d’urbanités croisées entre Lisbonne et Paris.
She has several published articles on the history of European show business and on Portuguese theatre; she is a co-author of Dictionnaire encyclopédique du théâtre à travers le monde (Dir. Michel Corvin), Bordas, Paris 2008; she published Le spectacle dénaturé, le théâtre portugais sors le règne de Salazar 1933-1968, CNRS éditions, Paris 2002, (edited in Portuguese by Edições Caminho), having her work received the prize «Revelation 2005», a literature award by Máxima magazine.


Idelette Muzart Fonseca dos Santos has a degree in Lettres Espagnol-Portugais – Université de Provence Aix Marseille I (1968), a Master’s degree in Modern Letters – Université Sorbonne-Norvelle, Paris (1974), a Doctor’s degree in Letters and Human Sciences – Université de Sorbonne-Norvelle, Paris (1981) and a Post-doctorate degree in Linguistics, Letters and Arts by Université de Provence Aix Marseille I.
She is a professor of Portuguese at Université Paris Orest Nanterre La Défense, after having been a Visiting Lecturer at Universidade Federal da Paraíba, at Universidade Federal da Bahia and at Universidade Federal Fluminense. She runs the Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur le Monde Lusophone, CRILUS (Equipe daccueil 369, Etudes romanes) of Université Paris Orest Nanterre La Défense. She was a secretariat member of the National Association of Post-graduation and Research in Letters and Linguistics and a member of the committee of the Brazilian Association of Compared Literature. She coordinated the project Ponto de Cultura Brasileira in France.
She is experienced in the field of Letters, Languages and Cultures, with special focus on Brazilian Culture and Compared Literature, developing her work mainly around the following themes: Brazilian literature and theatre, Ariano Suassuna, regional literature, vocality and traditional and non-traditional oralities, ethno text and cordel literature.
Among her publications, special focus goes to:

  • 1989: A literatura na Paraíba: ontem & hoje. João Pessoa: Fundação Casa de José Américo;
  • 1993: Antologia literária da Paraíba, (et al). João Pessoa, PB: Editora GRAFSET;
  • 1994: Dicionário literário da Paraíba. João Pessoa: A União editora;
  • 1997: La littérature de cordel au Brésil: mémoire des voix, grenier d’histoires, (with Jean orecchioni). Paris: Montréal, Éd. l’Harmattan;
  • 1999: Em demanda da poética popular: Ariano Suassuna e o Movimento Armorial. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp;
  • 2006: Memória das vozes: cantoria, romanceiro & cordel. Salvador: Fundação Cultural do Estado da Bahia;
  • 2006: La terre au Brésil de l’abolition de l’esclavage à la mondialisation, (with Denis Rolland). Paris: l’Harmattan;
  • 2007: Les îles de Cap-Vert: langues, mémoires, histoire, (et al). Paris: l’Harmattan;
  • 2008: Le Brésil des gouvernements militaires et l’exil, 1964-1985: violence politique, exil et accueil des Brésiliens en France: témoignages et documents, (with Denis Rolland, Bibliothèque de documentation internationale contemporaine (Nanterre), institut d’études politiques (Strasbourg) e Institut d’études politiques (paris). Paris: l’Harmattan; [Naterre]; BDIC-Université de Paris X; [Strasbourg]: FARE-IEP-Université de Strasbourg [etc.];
  • 2008: L’éxil brésilien en France: histoire et imaginaire…, (with Denis Rolland). Paris: l’Harmattan;
  • 2010: Agostinho da Silva: penseur, écrivain, éducateur, (with Agostinho da Silva, José Esteves, Paulo Borges e Rui Lopo). Paris: l’Harmattan;

2014: Cinema e literatura: narrativas e poéticas, (with Edilene Matos e Fernando Segolin). Salvador: EDUFBA.

Jorge Figueira has a degree in Architecture by the Faculty of Architecture of Universidade do Porto (1992) and a Doctor’s degree in Architecture (specialising in Theory and History), by University of Coimbra (2009). He teaches at the Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of University of Coimbra and within the doctoral programme in Architecture of FAUP. He is the editorial coordinator of the editions service of FCTUC’s Department of Architecture.
From his critical work, his presence in commissions of exhibitions of is to be highlighted, among which: Europe, Portuguese Architecture in Emission, Portuguese Group of Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2007 (co-commissioner) and the exhibition Álvaro Siza. Modern Redux, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo, Brazil, 2008.
In the field of project, he cooperated with FAUP’s Centre for Studies between 1991 and 1996, he executed the Project of Rehabilitation of the Surrounding Area of Palácio de Cristal, the restoration of the acoustical shell and the restaurant of Palácio de Cristal, in Oporto. Since 1998 he has been developing the project of the University Campus in Angra do Heroísmo, Azores. In this campus he was the co-author of the classroom building, the auditorium and the library (1999-2007). He also projected the building of Social Services (2006-2009), the Interdepartmental building (ongoing construction) and the Students’ Association building. He was part of the national representation at S. Paulo Architecture Biennale (2009) with a project for a school in Benguela, Angola. He integrated several juries, among which that of the Secil Architecture Prize, edition 2006/ 2007 and the panel of juries for doctoral grants by FCT (2009).
Among his publications, special focus goes to:

  • 2002: Escola do Porto: Um Mapa Crítico. Coimbra: eIdIarq, DAFCTUC;
  • 2003: SMS:SOS. A Nova Visualidade de Coimbra, (et al). Porto: Coimbra 2003/Edições ASA;
  • 2005: Des-continuidade – Arquitectura Contemporânea Norte de Portugal (coord. with Eduardo Souto de Moura, Michele Cannatà e Fátima Fernandes e Nuno Grande). Porto: Civilização Editora;
  • 2005: Agora que está tudo a mudar: arquitectura em Portugal. Casal de Cambra: caleidoscópio.
  • 2007: Europa, Arquitectura Portuguesa em Emissão, Catálogo de representação Oficial Portuguesa na 7ª Bienal de Arquitectura a Bienal de Arquitectura de S. Paulo (org. with Nuno Grande, coord. Mário Valente). Lisboa: Ministério da Cultura, Direcção-Geral das Artes;
  • 2007: A Noite em Arquitectura. Lisboa: Relógio d’Água;
  • 2008: Álvaro Siza. Modern Redux, (org., with autoria de Alexandre Alves Costa e Hans Ibelings). Berlim: Hatje Cantz;
  • 2009: A Periferia Perfeita: pós-Modernidade na arquitectura portuguesa, anos 60 – anos 80. Coimbra: DAFCTUC;
  • 2010: O Arquitecto Azul. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade;
  • 2011: Reescrever o Pós-Moderno. Porto: Dafne;
  • 2011: Macau 2011. Porto: Circo de Ideias;
  • 2014: A Periferia Perfeita. Pós-modernidade na arquitectura portuguesa. Anos 1960-1980. Casal de Cambra: Caleidoscópio.

José Pessôa has a Degree in Architecture and Urbanism by Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1982), he is a specialist in monument conservation and restoration by Universidade Federal da Bahia (1984), he has a Doctor’s degree in Pianificazione Territoriale by Istituto Universitario Di Architettura Di Venezia (1992) and a post-graduation on Urban invariants in the Portuguese historical centres by University of Coimbra (2007).
He is currently an Associated Professor at School of Architecture and Urbanism of Universidade Federal Fluminense. He is experienced in the fields of restoration and conservation of Built Historical Heritage, Urban and Regional Planning (with focus on restoration and revitalization of Historical Centres), acting especially within the following themes: cultural heritage, restoration project, historical centres, history of architecture and urbanism, urban morphology and modern architecture.
He was a Visiting Professor at UNIROMA 3 (Italy, 2007), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal, 2007 and 2010), Universidade do Algarve (Portugal, 2007), Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa (Portugal, 2007, 2010, 2013), Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique, 2012), Universidade de Évora (Portugal, 2013) and Université Aix Marseille (France, 2013).
He is also an adviser for Fundação Oscar Niemeyer and a member of the Executive and Scientific Council of the interactive portal HPIP – Portuguese influenced Heritage, which integrates the project Heritage of Portuguese Origin in the World – Architecture and Urbanism, of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
Among his publications, special focus goes to:

  • 1995: Estudos de Tombamento (org.). Rio de Janeiro: Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico nacional;
  • 1999: Lucio Costa: Documentos de trabalho (org.). Rio de Janeiro: Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico nacional;
  • 2001: Milagres: os ex-votos de Angra dos Reis. Rio de Janeiro: Casa da Palavra;
  • 2005: Anais do 6º Seminário Docomomo Brasil – Moderno e Nacional, arquitetura e urbanismo (org. with Eduardo Vasconcellos, Elizabete Reis e Maria Lobo). Nisterói: Pósgraduação em arquitetura e urbanismo UFF;
  • 2006: Moderno e Nacional (org. with Eduardo vasconcellos, Elizabete Reis e Maria Lobo). Nisterói: EdUFF;
  • 2006: Monumentos Fluminenses – Luz e arquitetura. Rio de Janeiro: Casa da Palavra;
  • 2007: Atlas de Centros Históricos do Brasil (org. with Giorgio Piccinato). Rio de Janeiro: casa da Palavra;
  • 2012: Bloquinhos de Portugal: a arquitetura portuguesa no traço de Lucio Costa (with Maria Elisa Costa). Rio de Janeiro: Funarte;
  • 2014: Igrejas, chafarizes e um jardim público na construção de uma paisagem barroca no Rio de Janeiro do século XVIII, vol. 12, pp. 59-74. Bahia: Cadernos PPG-AU/FAUFBA.

Júlio Carrilho has a degree in Architecture by the Higher School of Fine-arts of Universidade de Lisboa (1973) and a Doctor’s degree in “Architecture and Environment” by Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (2006).
He works is in the field of Architectural Project, and he is a professor and the responsible for the line of History at the Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning of Universidade Eduardo Mondlan (since 1993), as well as an investigator of the Centre for Studies and Development of the Habitat (CEDH). He is a project planner and a consultant in architecture, and he has been dedicating to the approach and understanding of the processes of territorial transformation of an organic matrix in the so-called informal urban spaces, having participated in this field in studies on the nature of the cities of Maputo, Lichinga and Pemba, as well as in field projects, envisaging propositional actions for its regularisation in Maputo, Chimoio, Vilankulo, Monapo and Nacala. Besides this line of research, he participated in studies on “popular” architecture in Mozambique, with emphasis on architecture of Swahili matrix from the North coast of the country, as well as surveys and characterisation of built environments and built elements with heritage value on the island of Ibo, in Maputo and in Beira.
He participated in several lectures, conferences and articles, and he is an author and co-author of publications in these domains, as well as in others, currently under preparation. He is also a poet, having gathered an interesting collection, among which:

  • 2002: Riário. Maputo: Faculdade de Arquitectura e Planeamento Físico da UEM.
  • 2004: Role Play – Workshop Maputo (with David Higdon, Juliet Higdon e Paolo Scattoni). Maputo: Edições FAPF
  • 2004: Traditional Informal Settlements: from Lichinga to Maputo (coauthor, sendo de 2001 a 1ª edição em Português, com o título Um Olhar para o Habitat Informal Moçambicano: de Lichinga a Maputo). Maputo: Faculdade de Arquitectura e Planeamento Físico).
  • 2005: Ibo. A casa e o tempo. Maputo: Edições FAPF.
  • 2005: Pemba. As duas cidades (with Luís Lage e Sandro Bruschi). Maputo: Edições FAPF.
  • 2005: Era uma vez uma palhota… História da Casa Moçambicana (with Luís Lage e Sandro Bruschi 2005). Maputo: Edições FAPF.

Regarding his directing experience, focus goes to: Minister of Public Works and Housing in the Transition Government of Mozambique and in the first Government of the Republic of Mozambique (1974-1975 and 1975-1987); President of the Administration Council of “Fund for Artistic and Cultural Development” (FUNDAC) (1989-1994); Member of the Mozambican National Commission for UNESCO (1990); Executive Director of the “Centre for Studies and Development of the Habitat”, of FAPF at UEM, member of the Administration Council of the Foundation for the Development of the Community (FDC) of Mozambique and member of the Founding Committee of the Academy of Sciences of Mozambique (1994-2008) and Vice-Director for the area of investigation and extension of FAPF of UEM (2005-2006).

Luís Lage has a degree in Architecture and Physical Planning by the Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning of Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (1995) and a Doctor’s degree in “Survey, Analysis and Representation of Architecture and Environment”, by Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (2006).
He is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning of Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (since 2009), where he is an Auxiliary Professor in the theme line of Graphic Representation.
Since 2004 he has been working in a number of projects at the Centre for Studies of Development and Habitat (CEDH) of the Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning – and, at times, with architect José Forjaz.
He is part of several scientific commissions, he participated in several conferences, seminars and congresses, and his main fields of interest are on the processes of human resettlement and the analysis of architectonical typologies.
He develops investigation work, he is an author and co-author of several publications (chiefly tackling the fields of Architecture and Urbanism in Mozambique), among which the following are to be highlighted: A glance over the informal Mozambican habitat: from Lichinga to Maputo (with Carlos Meneses, Júlio Carrilho and Sandro Bruschi, 2001); Pemba: The two cities (with Júlio Carrilho and Sandro Bruschi, 2005); Once upon a time there was a hut… History of the Mozambican House (with Júlio Carrilho and Sandro Bruschi 2005); Design of cities. Mozambique until the XXI century (with Sandro Bruschi, 2005); From Ibo and the Island to Maputo, urban architectures in Mozambique (with Júlio Carrilho, 2012); Maputo: Architectural heritage (with Ana Malheiros and João Morais, 2012).

Luís Oliveira has a Degree in History by the Faculty of Letters of Universidade de Lisboa (1985) and has been approved in educational aptitude and scientific capacity tests by Universidade do Algarve (1997), where he concluded his Doctor’s degree in Medieval History (2007).
He is a professor of the Department of Arts and Humanities of Universidade do Algarve (where he is also the vice-director and an effective member of the Scientific Council), and also of the course Doctorate in Heritage of Portuguese Influence, of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Investigation – Centre for Social Studies of University of Coimbra.
Within the scope of his studies – whose interests are especially focussed on Medieval History – he has been presenting several publications and communications, from which the latest are to be highlighted:

  • 2004: Uma barregã régia, um mercador de Lisboa e as donas de Santos, Comunicação ao Colóquio “Nova Lisboa Medieval. Os Rostos da Cidade”, organizado pelo Instituto de Estudos Medievais da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 8, 9 e 10 Dezembro (no prelo);
  • 2005: “Las Ordenes Militares en Portugal” (with Isabel Cristina Fernandes), in Martínez, Carlos Ayala; Novoa, Feliciano (coords.), Las Ordenes Militares en la Europa Medieval, pp. 137-165. Madrid: Ed. Lunwerg;
  • 2005: “As Ordens Militares. Nota Histórica”, “Ordem de Avis”, “Ordem de Cristo”, “Ordem do Hospital”, “Ordem de Santiago”, “Ordem do Templo”, “Convento de Avis”, “Convento de Cristo”, “Convento da Flor da Rosa (Crato)”, “Convento de Palmela”, “Convento de S. João da Penitência de Estremoz”, “Convento de Tomar”, “Mosteiro de Santos”, in Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa et al., Ordens Religiosas em Portugal. Das Origens a Trento. Guia Histórico, pp. 455-502. Lisboa;
  • 2006: “O Infante D. João e a Reforma da Ordem de Santiago”, Comunicação ao V Encontro sobre Ordens Militares. As Ordens Militares e as Ordens de Cavalaria entre o Ocidente e o Oriente. Palmela (no prelo);
  • 2006: “Os caminhos da terra e do mar no Algarve medieval”, As Vias do Algarve, pp. 32-38. S. Brás de Alportel;
  • 2006: “Christ Order”, “Dinis, King of Portugal”, “Afonso V, the African”, “Prince Henry, the Navigator”, in Alan Murray (org.), the Crusades. An Encyclopedia, 4 vols. Santa Barbara, Abc Clio;
  • 2006: Santa Bárbara de Nexe. A História, a Igreja e a Memória das gentes de Nexe, (coord. with João Pedro Bernardes). Santa Bárbara de Nexe;
  • 2006: A Vinha e o Vinho no Algarve. O renascer de uma velha tradição, (coord. with João Pedro Bernardes). Faro: CCDRAlg / Editora Afrontamento.
  • 2009 (2007): A Coroa, os Mestres e os Comendadores: As ordens militares de Avis e de Santiago (1330-1449). Faro: Universidade do Algarve;
  • 2009: “Gil Martins do outeiro”, “Gomes Lourença de Beja”, “Lisboa”, “Silves”, “pedro de Barcelos”, in Bériou, Nicole; Josserand, Phillippe (dir.), Dictionnaire des Ordres Militaires au Moyen Age. Paris: FAYARD.

Luísa Trindade is a Doctor in History of Art by University of Coimbra (2010), in whose Department of History, European Studies, Archaeology and Arts she has been teaching since 1996. She is the coordinator of the 1st cycle of studies in History of Art, she is responsible for the teaching of several course units of the 1st cycle of studies (among which Portuguese City and History of Urbanism), as well as for the Master’s degree in Art and Heritage of that same faculty. She has been an investigator of the Centre for Social Studies (CES) since 2008 and since 2010 she has been a professor in the Doctoral Programme Heritage of Portuguese Influence (III-CES).
She participated in several European projects connected with teaching and investigation of History (TEEP 2002, Tuning, CliohNet, CliohRes, CliohWorld, between 2002 and 2013), and she is currently responsible for the participation of UC in the project Mondego’s Castles and Medieval Walls (Qren-Mais Centre).
With countless conferences held in Portugal, Spain, Italy, England and Brazil, from her publications dedicated to the History of Urbanism these are to be highlighted:

  • 2002: A Casa urbana em Coimbra. Dos finais da Idade Média aos inícios da Época Moderna. Coimbra: Câmara Municipal de Coimbra;
  • 2013: Urbanismo na composição de Portugal. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

Articles or Book chapters:

  • 2004-2005: “A Praça e a Rua da Calçada segundo o Tombo Antigo da Câmara de Coimbra (1532)” Media Aetas, Paisagens Medievais I, vol. I da 2ª Série. Ponta Delgada: Universidade dos Açores, pp. 121-157;
  • 2005: “Questões e antecedentes da cidade portuguesa: o conhecimento sobre o urbanismo medieval e a sua expressão morfológica”, Murphy. Revista de História e Teoria da Arquitectura e do Urbanismo. Coimbra: Departamento de Arquitectura da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra, pp. 70-109 (with Walter Rossa);
  • 2006: “Jewish space in portuguese late medieval cities”, Religion, ritual and mythology. Aspects of identity formation in Europe. Pisa: Edizione Plus, , pp. 61-81;
  • 2007: “From Islam to Christianity: urban changes in medieval portuguese cities, Religion and Power in Europe: Conflict and convergence. Pisa: Edizione Plus, , pp. 29-51;
  • 2012: “Casas da Câmara ou Paços do Concelho: espaços e poder na cidade tardo-medieval portuguesa””, Maria do Carmo Ribeiro e Arnaldo Sousa Melo (coord.), Evolução da Paisagem Urbana – Sociedade e Economia. Braga: CITCEM, pp. 209-227;
  • 2012: “Sei città nuove in linea: costruire una frontiera nel XIII secolo”, Aldo Casamento (ed.), Fondazioni urbane. Città nuove europee dal medioevo al Novecento, Forma Urbis, I. Roma: Edizioni Kappa;
  • 2013: “A Malha. Fazer cidade no Portugal medieval: agentes, programa e execução”, Carlos Dias Coelho (org.), Os Elementos Urbanos, vol. I. Lisboa: Argumentum, p. 31-53;
  • 2013: “The urbanistic system of Rua dos Francos [Coimbra]: evidences and hypotheses, evolution and permanence”. I Catasti e la storia dei luoghi. Cagliari, Marco Cadinu (ed.), Storia dell’Urbanistica 4/2012. Roma: Edizione Kappa, p. 247-260.
  • 2014: “A água nas cidades portuguesas entre os séculos XIV e XVI: a mudança de paradigma” in Lozano Bartolozzi, Mª M. y Méndez Hernán, V., (coord. y ed.), Patrimonio cultural vinculado con el agua. Paisaje, urbanismo, arte, ingeniería y turismo (pp. 363-376). Mérida, Editora Regional de Extremadura;
  • 2015: “Os banhos públicos em Portugal na Idade Média”. digitAR – Revista Digital de Arqueologia, Arquitectura e Artes | Digital Journal of Archaeology, Architecture and Arts, 2º v. O corpo através da imagem, Coimbra: CEAACP, p. 206-221.

Margarida Calafate Ribeiro has a degree by Universidade de Aveiro, a Master’s degree by Universidade Nova de Lisboa and a Doctor’s degree in Portuguese Studies by King’s College, University of London.
She is currently an investigator-coordinator at Centre for Social Studies of University of Coimbra, and member of the Humanities, Migration and Peace Studies Research Group (NHUMEP). She is a lecturer in the doctoral programme of CES/III, “Heritage of Portuguese Influence“, which she coordinates alongside Walter Rossa. Together with Roberto Vecchi, she is also responsible for Eduardo Lourenço Chair, Instituto Camões/ Università di Bologna.

Margarida Calafate Ribeiro has won a Consolidator Grant by the Conselho Europeu de Investigação (ERC), in the amount of approximately 2 million euros, with the investigation project «MEMOIRS – The Children of the Empires and European Post-memories», a project which will offer a radical, alternative and innovative vision about contemporary European history, based on the colonial heritage which characterises European societies.

From her publications special focus goes to the author books:

  • 2004: Uma história de regressos: império, Guerra Colonial e pós-colonialismo. Porto: Edições Afrontamento;
  • 2007: África no feminino: as mulheres portuguesas e a Guerra Colonial. Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
  • She also organised the books:
  • 2003: Fantasmas e fantasias imperiais no imaginário português contemporâneo. Porto: Campo das Letras. (with Ana Paula Ferreira);
  • 2004: ‘A Primavera toda para ti’ – Homenagem a Hélder Macedo. Lisboa: Presença. (with Teresa Cristina Cerdeira, Juliet Perkins and Phillip Rothwell);
  • 2008: Moçambique: das palavras escritas. Porto: Edições Afrontamento. (with Maria Paula Meneses);
  • 2008: Lendo Angola. Porto: Edições Afrontamento. (with Laura Cavalcante Padilha);
  • 2008: Atlântico periférico: il postcolonialismo portoghese e il sistema mondiale. Reggia Emilia: Diabasis. (with Vincenzo Russo);
  • 2011: Literaturas insulares: leituras e escritas de Cabo Verde e de S. Tome e Príncipe. Porto: Edições Afrontamento. (with Silvio Renato Jorge);
  • 2011: Literaturas da Guiné-Bissau: cantando os escritos da história. Porto: Edições Afrontamento. (with Odete Semedo);
  • 2011: Antologia da memória poética da Guerra Colonial. Porto: Edições Afrontamento. (with Roberto Vecchi);
  • 2014: Eduardo Lourenço – Do colonialismo como nosso impensado. Lisboa: Gradiva. (with Roberto Vecchi).
  • Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo has a degree in Sociology by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (1997), a Master’s degree in Historical Economy and Sociology by the same faculty (2000) and a Doctor’s degree in History (with specialization in Imperial and Colonial History) by the King’s College of the University of London (2008), with the thesis entitled Religion, Empire, and the Diplomacy of Colonialism: Portugal, Europe, and the Congo Question, c.1820-1890.

    Between 1999 and 2003 he was a Visiting Assistant of the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, being responsible for several subjects. After a year as a post-doc investigator at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy), he joined the Institute for Social Sciences of Universidade de Lisboa (ICS) as a post-doc investigator (in 2009), with a project entitled Portugal and the End of the European Colonial Empires: The Estado Novo regime and the Diplomacy of Colonialism (1945-1975). He was also co-responsible for and nuclear investigator of two projects approved for financing by FCT (2010-2012): “Portugal is not a Small Country”: The End of Portuguese Colonial Empire in a Comparative Perspective c. 1945-1975 (Investigator in charge: António Costa Pinto) and Constructing and Empire-State: Portuguese Imperialism in a Comparative Perspective c. 1450-1975 (Investigator in charge: Diogo Ramada Curto). At ICS he is an investigator-coordinator of the project Internationalism and Empire: Politics of Difference in the Portuguese Colonial Empire in Comparative Perspective (1920-1975), also financed by FCT (2013-2015).

    He is a professor in the Doctoral Programmes of CES/III, “Heritage of Portuguese Influence“, and of ICS, “Interuniversity Doctoral Programme in History: change and continuity in the global world”.

    Among his publications, special focus goes to White Books, Black Souls. The “Civilising Mission” of Portuguese Colonialism (2010), The Diplomacy of Imperialism. Politics and Religion in the Sharing of Africa (1820-1890) (2012), The Colonial Empire in Question (2012), International Dimensions of Portuguese late colonialism and decolonization (2013), Forum: History & Society: the work of Michael Mann (2013), Portugal and the end of colonialism. International dimensions (2014) and Internationalism and Empire: the issue of native work in Portuguese colonialism (2015), in co-authorship with José Pedro Monteiro.

    Mirian Tavares has a Degree in Social Communication – Journalism by Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo (1990), a Master’s degree in Communication and Semiotics by Pontifícia Universidade Católica of São Paulo (1993) and a Doctor’s degree in the field of Contemporary Communication and Culture by Universidade Federal da Bahia (2000), with equivalence given by Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

    She is currently an Associated Professor of the Department of Arts and Humanities of Universidade do Algarve, where she is also an Investigator-coordinator.

    She is a member of several Professional/ Scientific Associations (such as: Socine – Brazilian Soxciety for Studies in Cinema and Audiovisuals; SOPCOM – Portuguese Society of Communication Sciences; NUCA – Communication and Art Group (where she is also an investigator); GIIACT (International Group for the Investigation of Cinematographic and Television Analysis); CIAC – Centre for Investigation in Arts and Communication; and AIM – Investigators of Moving Picture Association). She is also a supervisor and co-supervisor of several Doctoral, Post-doctoral, Master’s and Degree’s dissertations.

    She specialises in African cinema of Portuguese influence, has participated in several projects of investigation (as a coordinator or team member), has presented several communications, publications of articles and book chapters, as well as in the edition of books:

    • 2007: É perigoso debruçar-se para dentro: ensaios sobre cinema e literatura (ed. Com Ana Soares). Braga: Pena Perfeita;
    • 2011: A Cultura em Conferência (coord. with João Bernardes e Luís Oliveira). Faro: Universidade do Algarve / DRCAlg;
    • 2013: Quintas de Cultura – A Criação cultural no Algarve (coord. with João Bernardes, Luís Oliveira, Dália Paulo e Rui Parreira). Faro: Universidade do Algarve / DRCAlg.

    Paulo Peixoto has a Degree, a Master’s degree and a Doctor’s degree in Sociology by University of Coimbra. He is an investigator of the Centre for Social Studies, where he integrates and coordinates the “Cities, Culture and Architecture Group” and the “Observatory of Politics of Education and Training”. He is a professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Economy of University of Coimbra, where he lectures in the Degrees in Sociology and Economy and in the Doctoral and Master’s Programme in Cities and Urban Cultures, as well as in the Doctorate in Sociology and in the Doctoral programme “Heritage of Portuguese Influence” (III/CES).

    He integrates the Brazil-Portugal Network of Urban Studies, executes projects of investigation on heritage and tourism and on higher education and develops extension activities, coordinating the evaluation of projects of social intervention and public policies. He is the Director of Ensino Superior – Magazine of the National Union for Higher Education (SNESup), subdirector of the Faculty of Economy of University of Coimbra (FEUC) and a member of the Directions of the Association for University Extension and of the National Union for Higher Education.

    He has assumed several posts in management at Centre for Social Studies, at the Faculty of Economy of University of Coimbra, and at SNESup. His current interests of investigation focus on the domains of cities and urban cultures, heritage, tourism, exclusion, urban violence, higher education and politics of education and science.

    Besides several articles, book chapters and full papers published in the annals of congresses within the themes in his field of study, special highlight goes to the three works, all in co-authorship with several authors:

    • 2009: Ideias para grandes decisões (with Elísio Estanque, Helena Roseta, Jorge Bateira, Jorge Martins, Nuno David, Pedro Bingre e Teresa Portugal). Lisboa: Campo da Comunicação.
    • 2012: Centros históricos e alegorias da cidade. Coimbra: Almedina.
    • 2012: A cidade e o turismo: dinâmicas do turismo urbano em Coimbra (with Carlos Fortuna, Catarina Gomes, Claudino Abreu e Paula Abreu). Coimbra: Almedina.
    • 2014: O Papel dos Conselhos Gerais no Governo das Universidades Públicas Portuguesas: A Lei e a Prática (with António Oliveira e Sílvia Silva). Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

    Renata Malcher de Araujo has a Degree in Architecture and Urbanism by the Centre for Higher Studies of the State of Pará (1986), with equivalence given by the Faculty of Architecture of Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (1988); a Master’s degree in History of Art by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with the dissertation “The Cities of the Amazon in the XVIII century: Belém, Macapá and Mazagão” (1992); and a Doctor’s degree in History of Art, Specialising in History of Modern Art by the same institution, with the dissertation “The Urbanization of Mato Grosso in the XVIII century: Discourse and Method” (2001).

    She is a professor of the Department of History, Archaeology and Heritage of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of Universidade do Algarve. She has been developing investigation work especially in the field of History of colonial urbanism, having presented an extensive number of publications and lectures, and has integrated several professional activities and scientific projects. Among her publications, special focus goes to:

    • 1989: “A Engenharia Militar e o Urbanismo”, in História das Fortificações Portuguesas no Mundo. Lisboa: Publicações Alfa;
    • 1990: Lisboa a Cidade e o Espectáculo na Época dos Descobrimentos. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte;
    • 1998: As Cidades da Amazónia no século XVIII: Belém, Macapá e Mazagão. Porto: FAUP Edições;
    • 2000: Bibliografia Ibero-Americana da História do Urbanismo e da Urbanística 1415-1822, (co-coord. científica). Lisboa: CNCDP;
    • 2001: “O Mato Grosso: A Fronteira a Ocidente”, in Actas do Colóquio Internacional Universo Urbanístico Português 1415-1822. Lisboa: CNCDP;
    • 2001: Actas do Colóquio internacional Universo urbanístico Português 1415-1822, (with Hélder Carita e Walter Rossa). Lisboa: Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos Portugueses;
    • 2010: Património de Origem Portuguesa no Mundo: arquitetura e urbanismo: América do Sul, (et al). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (também em inglês).

    Roberto Vecchi has a degree in Literature and Philosophy by the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of Università di Bologna (1987), a Master’s degree in Languages and Modern Foreign Literatures by the same faculty (1989) and a Doctor’s degree in Iberian Studies by the Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literature of Università di Bologna (1993).

    He is presently a professor of Portuguese and Brazilian Literature at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures of Università di Bologna, in the doctoral programme in Iberian Studies of the Department of Languages and Modern Foreign Literatures of the same university and of the universities of Milan and Bergamo.

    He is an Associated Investigator of the Centre for Social Studies of University of Coimbra and a Visiting Investigator of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil. He is the director of “Eduardo Lourenço Chair” Università di Bologna/ Instituto Camões (since 2007), being the chair Margarida Calafate Ribeiro. His lines of investigation include the Brazilian and Portuguese scope, especially the critical line of the relationships between history, literature, trauma, memory and violence.

    Among his most recent publications, focus goes to: Anthology of Poetical Memory of the Colonial War (with Margarida Calafate Ribeiro; Afrontamento, 2011); Topografia delle culture (with Rita Monticelli; Bologna, I Libri di Emil, 2011); Atlantic Exception. Thinking the Literature of the Colonial War, (Afrontamento, 2010); Eça de Queirós, La corrispondenza di Fradique Mendes. Memorie e note (with Vincenzo Russo; Diabasis, 2009); Atlantico Periferico. Il Postcolonialismo portoghese e il sistema mondiale (with Margarida Calafate Ribeiro and Vincenzo Russo; Diabasis, 2008).

    Rochelle Pinto has a Degree in Social Communication and Media (Bombay, 1993), a Master’s in English (Delhi, 1998) and a Doctor’s degree in Literature (Oriental and African Studies), with the thesis The formation of a divided public: print, language, and literature in colonial Goa (London, 2003).

    She is a professor and investigator at Centre for Studies in Culture and Society, in Bangalore, having as main fields of investigation Portuguese Colonialism and the History of Goa.

    Rochelle Pinto spent the month of September 2008 at the Centre for Social Studies of University of Coimbra, holder of the research grant ‘One Month at CES”, with special research focus on treaties about natural law and property in the context of the Portuguese colonialism and the pre-utilitarian conceptions of land, possession and use, which might have defined the legislation on matters of revenue and property in XVI century Goa.

    Among her publications, special focus goes to:

    • 2005: “A Time to Publish – From and Politics in Pamphlets of colonial Goa”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 40, N.º 09, Fev 26-March 4, pp. 877-884.
    • 2007: Between Empires – print and Politics in Goa. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
    • 2007: “race and Imperial Loss – accounts of East Africa in Goa”, South African Historical Journal, 57, pp. 82-92: Johannesburg.
    • 2009: “Traveling Science – Anthropometry and Colonialism in the Indian Ocean”, Shanti Moorthy and Ashraf Jamal (eds.), Indian Ocean Studies: Cultural, Socia, and Political Perspectives, Routedge Indian Ocean Series, pp. 319-339. New York: Routedge.
    • 2010: “A Diffused History of Race – the Portuguese presence in the Indian Ocean”, in Pamila Gupta, Isabel Hofmeyr and Michael Pearson (eds.), Indian Ocean: Eyes Across the Water. Pretoria: UNISA Press.
    • 2010: “Temporality and Colonialism between Goa and Latin America”, Manuela Boatcă and Willfried Spohn (eds.), Globale, multiple und postkoloniale Modernen, pp- 263-284. München: Rainder Hampp Verlag.
    • 2010: “Forgetting Pio Gama Pinto”, Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 17/18, Parts of Asia. Goa, Macao, East Timor, pp. 135-146. University of Massachusetts Dartmouth: Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture.

    Sandra Xavier is an anthropologist and a professor at the Department of Sciences of Life of University of Coimbra, as well as in the Doctoral programme “Heritage of Portuguese Influence” (III/CES).

    Her interests in investigation are located in the intersection between Social Studies of Science and Technology and the Studies of Image, and she has been developing work on the articulations between art, science and architecture in the construction of landscape. She studied the production of images at Vale do Côa Archaeological Park in the Portuguese landscape architecture, in exhibitions of contemporary artistic photography and in scientific expeditions to the Portuguese colonies in Africa. She participated in the Investigation Project “Rovisco Pais Colony-Hospital: Anthropology and History in Context” and participates in an international programme of scientific cooperation called “Memory and Society: hospital heritage in Brazil and in Portugal”. Within the Network Centre for Investigation in Anthropology (CRIA), her most relevant productions are:

    • 2011: “Para lá da oposição entre arquitectura erudita e arquitectura sem arquitectos”, in Sandra Xavier, Paulo Providência e Luís Quintais (Orgs.), Intersecções: Antropologia e Arquitectura, 2, pp. 139-144. Coimbra: Revista de Cultura Arquitectónica (Edarq);
    • 2011: Em Diferentes Escalas: as políticas da saúde na configuração arquitectónica de uma leprosaria portuguesa, Anais eletrônicos do XI Congresso luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais;
    • 2012: “Hospital-Colónia Rovisco Pais: um projecto de uma cidade ideal?”, Babilónia: Revista Lusófona de Línguas, Culturas e Tradução, 12, pp. 37-52. Porto: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas;
    • 2013: “Em diferentes escalas: a arquitetura do Hospital-Colónia Rovisco Pais sob o olhar do médico Fernando Bissaya Barreto (1886-1974)”, História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos, 20 (3), pp. 983-1006. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Oswaldo Cruz;
    • 2013: “Imagem, ruína, fragmento”, in Sandra Xavier, Paulo Providência (orgs.), Leprosaria Nacional: Modernidade e Ruína no Hospital-Colónia Rovisco Pais, pp. 125-147. Porto: Dafne Editora.

    Sílvio Renato Jorge has a Degree in Letters by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (1991), a Master’s degree (1993) and a Doctor’s degree (1999) in Letters (Vernacular Letters) by Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1999). He developed Post-doctorate training programmes within the Post-doctorate Graduation Programme in Compared Studies of Literatures in Portuguese Language by Universidade de São Paulo (2004) and at the Centre for Social Studies of University of Coimbra (2009), holding a CAPES Grant (Coordination of Perfectioning of Higher Education Staff).

    He is currently an Associated Professor at Universidade Federal Fluminense, where he is a Coordinator of the Post-graduation Programme in Literature Studies. He is experienced in the field of Letters, with focus on Portuguese Literature and African Literatures in Portuguese Language, acting especially around the following themes: Post-colonialism, frontiers and cultural displacement, cultural identity and memory. His research focus chiefly on the study of the contemporary narrative produced in Portuguese language.

    He develops research financed by CNPq (National Council for the Scientific and Technological Development) and by FAPERJ (Foundation for Aid to Research of Estado do Rio de Janeiro).

    He is a former President of ABRAPLIP – National Association of Teachers of Portuguese Literature (2003-2005) and of ANPOLL – National Association of Post-graduation and Research in Letters and Linguistics (2010-2012). He is an ad-hoc consultant for CAPES, CNPq and FAPERJ.

    Among his publications, special focus goes to:

    • 2001: A palavra silenciada: estudos de Literatura Portuguesa e Africana, (org. with Ida Alves). Niterói: Vício de Leitura;
    • 2002: Literaturas de Abril e outros estudos, (org.). Niterói: EdUFF;
    • 2005: Anais do XX Encontro de Professores Brasileros de Literatura portuguesa – No Limite dos Sentidos, (org. with Ida Maria Santos Ferreira e Mônica Do Nascimento Figueiredo). Rio de Janeiro: Léo Christiano Editorial;
    • 2007: Representações Contemporâneas da Subjetividade – V Seminário de Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa: Portugal e África, (org. with Ida Maria Santos Ferreira). Rio de Janeiro: Léo Christiano Editora;
    • 2009: Sobre mulheres e estrangeiros: alguns romances de Olga Gonçalves. Niterói: EdUFF;
    • 2010: África, escritas literárias: Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique, São Tomé e Príncipe, (org. with Carmem Lúcia Tindó Secco e Maria Teresa Salgado). Rio de Janeiro; Luanda: Editora UFRJ; União de Escritores Angolanos;
    • 2011: Literaturas Insulares; leituras e escritas de Cabo verde e São Tomé e Príncipe, (org. com Margarida Calafate Ribeiro). Porto: Edições Afrontamento;
    • 2011: Anais do VII Seminário de Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa: Portugal e África / III Seminário Literatura, Guerra e Paz, (org, with Ida Maria Santos Alves, Laura Cavalcante Padilha e Renata Flavia da Silva). Rio de Janeiro: Leo Christiano Editorial;
    • 2013: “Entre guerras e narrativas: percursos de escrita de Paulina Chiziane e Lília Monplé”, in Miranda, Maria Geralda de; Secco, Carmen Lucia Tindó (org.), Paulina Chiziane: vozes e rostos femininos em Moçambique, pp. 217-228. Curitiba: Appris;
    • 2014: “As fotografias de um caderno: passeio pelas memórias coloniais de Isabela Figueiredo”. Metamorfoses, revista da Cátedra Jorge de Sena da Faculdade de Letras de UFRJ.

    Walter Rossa is an Architect by the Faculty of Architecture of Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (1985), a Master in History of Art by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (1991), a Doctor and Aggregate in Architecture by University of Coimbra (2001 and 2013).

    He is a Professor of the Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of University of Coimbra (1989), has created and coordinated a programme of post-graduations and taught several subjects in the field of Project, Urbanism and History. He was a Visiting Professor at Universidade Federal da Bahia, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Mindelo University Institute of Arts, Technology and Culture, Universidade do Porto and Universidade do Algarve, in the last one as professor of Odebrecht Capistrano de Abreu Chair (following an international public competition).

    Investigator of the Centre for Social Studies of University of Coimbra (since 2007), he is, together with Margarida Calafate Ribeiro, the coordinator of the Doctoral programme Heritage of Portuguese Influence by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Investigation. He is also the director of the interactive portal HPIP, Heritage of Portuguese Influence.

    Among the several works published in Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian, about theory and history of urbanism and territorial planning, history of architecture and cultural heritage, his research has been revolving around two lines of great reciprocity: one dedicated to urbanism of Portuguese influence and another to urban planning in heritage-relevant contexts, which he initially developed with experiments in planning and project and gradually with theoretical conceptualization.

    Along his professional path he has achieved notoriety as a pedagogue, since besides teaching in several contexts, he has already supervised 70 academic examinations, ten of which were doctoral projects. He is also a member of scientific councils and commissions of organisms, publications and events related to History of Architecture and Urbanism, as well as Heritage Safeguard and Territorial Planning and Organization.

    He frequently receives invitations for consultancy in the area of heritage, scientific committees of events and publications and conferences, of which, besides the published ones, he has already done a hundred (Brazil, Cape Verde, Spain, France, India, Holland, Italy, Macau, Mozambique, Singapore, Uruguay and the United States).

    He was a coordinator, author and co-author of several publications, with focus on:


    • 1995: “A cidade portuguesa”, História da Arte Portuguesa. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores.
    • 1997: Cidades Indo-Portuguesas: contribuição para o estudo do urbanismo português no Hisdustão Ocidental / Indo-Portuguese Cities: a contribution to the study of Portuguese urbanism in the Western Hindustan. Lisboa: Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos Portugueses.
    • 1998 [1991]: Além da Baixa: indícios de planeamento urbano na Lisboa Setecentista. Lisboa: instituto Português do Património Arquitetónico. Também em Inglês;
    • 2002: A urbe e o traço: uma década de estudos sobre o urbanismo português (1989-2001). Coimbra: Almedina.
    • 2015 [2002-2013]: Fomos condenados à cidade: uma década de estudos sobre património urbanístico (2002-2013). Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

    Editor and co-author:

    • 2001: Actas do Colóquio internacional Universo urbanístico Português 1415-1822. Lisboa: Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos Portugueses. (with Renata Araujo e Hélder Carita)
    • 2007: Reabilitação Urbana: Mindelo. ECDJ. Coimbra: Departamento de Arquitetura da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra. nº 10. (with Adelino Gonçalves)
    • 2007: O Terramoto de 1755: impactos históricos. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte. (with Ana Cristina Araújo, José Vicente Serrão e Nuno Gonçalo Monteiro)
    • 2008: Lisboa 1758: o plano da Baixa Hoje, catálogo. Lisboa: Câmara Municipal de Lisboa. (with Ana Tostões)
    • 2010: Património de Origem Portuguesa no Mundo: arquitetura e urbanismo: Ásia. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa. (with José Mattoso) Also in english.